Seven things to do in Trebon

Czechia has a lot to offer. If you like the atmosphere of medieval towns not crowded by tourists, then Trebon is for you. This town, located about 150 kilometres away from Prague and reachable both by train and by bus, is a pleasant blend of picturesque historical attractions, authentic experiences, and deluxe relaxation at the local spa. It’s possible to visit it in one day, but your best bet would be a weekend there – just enough time both to traverse the distance and try out the myriad of activities on offer. The must-see attractions are the Trebon Castle, the Augustian Monastery, the Church of St. Gilles and Virgin Mary the Queen, and Trebon’s square. All together they constitute an urban conservation area. The natural centre of this well-preserved medieval town is the picturesque Masaryk Square. The baroque and renaissance houses of the 16th century make it one of the most beautiful squares in South Bohemia. Its most significant building is the Old Town Hall. A renaissance stone fountain in the middle adds a pleasant, graceful atmosphere to the square.

masaryk square trebon 1430964Here are seven things for you to do in Trebon.

1 Visit Chateau Trebon

The Renaissance Trebon Castle (Zamek Trebon) is one of the main tourist attractions of the town. It’s one of the largest castle complexes in the Czech Republic. It replaced the original gothic castle of the Lords of Rosenberg between 1562 and 1611. In 1660 the castle was acquired by the Schwarzenbergs, a significant noble family who added the baroque extension in the outer courtyard of the castle. The Schwarzenberg family owned the castle until 1940, when the property was seized by the Gestapo. The Castle of Trebon was declared a National Cultural Monument of the Czech Republic in 2001. It now hosts extensive art collections, numerous libraries and archives. The renaissance chambers convey the image of the aristocratic life of those days. During holidays you can also visit the stables, the kitchen intended just for dogs, and the underground casemates converted into wine cellars later on. To my knowledge, the tours are only available in summer, and in no other languages but Czech; still it’s a good opportunity to visit the castle interiors.

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2 Take a walk in the castle park

The magnificent park around the castle complex is a popular place for visitors. The original park laid out by the Rosenbergs in the 17th century was completely destroyed during the Thirty Years' War and later restored by the Schwarzenbergs. Its current appearance dates from the early 19th century when it was re-designed as an English flower park. The pond, the flower beds, and lots of trees and benches make it a favourite for locals and travellers alike. Note: the park is closed in the evenings around 8 p.m., though the notice about that is hard to spot.trebon castle park 1430851

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3 See St. Gilles’ and Virgin Mary the Queen’s Church

The Church of St. Gilles and Virgin Mary the Queen is situated close to Trebon’s town square and is the dominant building of a former Augustinian monastery. The original church was built in late 13th century but destroyed by the fire of 1723 and only restored by the 1900s. The baroque church tower was rebuilt in a neo-gothic style. The paintings of the church date back to the 15th century. One its most significant gothic works, the statue of Madonna, was created in 1400. The oldest parts of the monastery complex are the cloister in the convent and the Chapel of St. Vincent, both built in the 14th century. A 17th-century stone fountain is situated in the middle of the monastery courtyard. The concerts of classical music held here become popular cultural events. The acoustics of the church are excellent.

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4 Visit the Regent Brewery

The Regent Brewery was founded in 1379; it is, therefore, one of the oldest breweries in the world. Its name was inspired by the 'the Immortal Regent' – a Rosenberg family accountant who later became a regent of the large dominion of William of Rosenberg, the uncrowned king of the entire Bohemian Kingdom. The unique structures of the brewery and the malt workshop are part of the ancient heart of Trebon.trebon brewery 1440238

The brewery was first reconstructed in 1660, under the rule of the Schwarzenbergs; the extensive redo of 1861-99 brought on its present neo-Gothic outlook. Now they employ both traditional recipes and advanced technologies to brew drinks from the best raw materials – water from artesian wells, world famous hops from Zatec and high quality barley malt. The trademark “Bohemia Regent“ is now registered in more than 30 countries around the world.

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The brewery offers guided tours with beer tastings included. It’s especially romantic at night when candles illuminate your way through the cellars.

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5 Take a walk by the Svet Pond

The Svet Pond is located close to the centre of Trebon.

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It’s part of the local canal system included in the UNESCO World Network of Biosphere Reserves. Initially, the area around Trebon was covered by marshlands and large forests. In 1366, the town and its surroundings became the property of a significant noble family, the Rosenbergs. They started the long-term tradition of fish farming in the Trebon Basin, financing the construction of fish ponds and artificial canals. These sophisticated waterworks transformed the barely habitable landscape into a prosperous region. The fish farming industry in the Trebon Basin experienced its greatest period of growth in the 16th century. To this day, Trebon carps are served in many local restaurants.

svet pond trebon 1440249There is a 12 kilometre path around the Svet Pond, perfect for a beautiful afternoon walk. Start either from Lázeňský Park, or from the nearby Světská Hráz street. Be sure to take a slight detour from the path and visit the Schwarzenberg family tomb to the southeast of the pond.

6 Visit the Schwarzenberg family tomb

This neo-gothic tomb is one of the most interesting architectural monuments in South Bohemia, not far from Trebon, south-east of the Svet Pond. Constructed by F.D. Dewortzky in 1874-77, it was inspired by Eleanor Schwarzenberg, the wife of Jan Adolf Schwarzenberg II. It is a six-sided building surrounded by an English park, with a beautiful tower and majestic double stairs.schwarzenberg thombs trebon 1440295

Just like the Trebon Castle, the Tomb was declared a National Cultural Monument of the Czech Republic in 2001. You can visit it as part of a guided tour.

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7 Have dinner in Krcma u Kellyho restaurant

It’s a really great, warm and atmospheric restaurant on the ground floor of the Trebon castle. The theme is medieval, obvious in the decorations, the music, and the costumes.trebon castle restaurant 1430847

The menu is written in a medieval style in terms of terminology and font, which is a nice touch. The food is a nice example of good classic Czech cuisine. The same dishes cost twice cheaper than in Prague. It’s best to book in advance. Bon appetite!

What did you think? Have you visited Czechia and Trebon? I’d love to hear from you so please add your comments below.

  • Posted by Anita on June 25, 2016


Author: Anita Sane

Anita 03 18

About the author
Anita is a part-time traveller, passionate photographer and a retired career woman from Latvia, 
travelling mostly solo for more than 15 years. She is a skilled travel planner who plans and executes her travels by herself. Anita wants to show you how to travel the world and open your mind to new experiences. Follow her on FacebookInstagramPinterestTwitter and Bloglovin.


I've lived in the US for about 25 years now. I'm half Czech and half Slovak. I spent every summer holiday with my grandparents in Trebon until I was 18 and I keep going back to this day! It's a charming little town with cobblestone streets where you can lose yourself for a while and leave the worries behind. I know my heart is in it but I guarantee you couldn't find a Czech who would disagree. It's definitely one of the towns to visit if you ever stumble over to that part of the world. You will not regret it. Thank you, Anita for checking it out!❤️
Margie Davis
How enlightening~ My grandmother's home was in Trebon until the Bednar family emigrated to the United States in 1886. She was 14 years old and although I have been to the Czech Republic, the group only traveled to Prague, Olomouc, and then on to Slovakia and Hungary. I will go back one day and plan to see Trebon and the village of Lutova to be specific. I am impressed that you travel alone. I would love to do that but my family would be upset with me and ask me not to chance it. Love your photos from all over, especially Italy. I am making my second trip there this year. I should have retired sooner!
Prague is my favourite destination in Europe, and given more time I would have loved to travel outside it. Trebon seems equally as lovely, and of course cheaper (I didn't find the Czech Rep. to be too expensive overall) I think the Castle Park is where I would spend most of my tim, maybe that and the Brewery :) Thanks for sharing! If I ever make it back over there i will be sure to do some more planning around this area.
My husband and I both love to do Brewery Tours when we go travel. Regent Brewery looks really interesting, especially since it is so old. Very cool :)
As usual, your post is visual inspiring and well written. Love your blog and enjoy every post.
Love everything! The Castle looks awesome and I would have to definitely spend time at the Regent brewery! Oh, Krema u Kellyho restaurant looks like a great experience.

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