7 reasons to visit the Amboseli National Park, Kenya

The very scenic Amboseli National Park is one of Kenya's most popular parks. It’s located about 230 kilometres south-east of Nairobi on the Tanzanian border. Amboseli enjoys the backdrop of Africa's most iconic mountain, Mount Kilimanjaro, that lies on the other side of the border with Tanzania. The flat open landscape makes for easy game viewing. Amboseli is a small park, a bit more than 390 square kilometres (1500 sq. miles), located more than 1100 metres above sea level [3790 ft.]. It became a national park in 1974 and a UNESCO Biosphere reserve in 1991. The name Amboseli means ‘salty dust’ in Masai. What makes it special are the Enkongo Narok and Olokenya swamps fed by the melting snow of Kilimanjaro. These water sources attract animals of all sizes, especially during the dry season.1amboseli elephants kenya thesanetravel.com 1500066

Here you can admire one of the classic sights of East Africa: a herd of elephant strolling across the plains with the snow-capped peak of Kilimanjaro in the background. So I hope now you are ready to learn about my seven great reasons for visiting Amboseli National Park:

1) There are over 1000 elephants to admire

The park is famous for herds of elephants and groups of up to 100 are not uncommon. The bull elephants have some of the largest tusks in all of Kenya. There are over 1000 elephants in the Park, including 58 families and close to 300 independent adult males. Each individual has been named, numbered, or coded and can be recognized individually. This degree of recognition makes the Amboseli elephants the best-known free-ranging population in the world. It's a fantastic feeling to watch them moving calmly and majestically around the place. 12amboseli kenya thesanetravel.com 150019912 amboseli kenya thesanetravel.com 150021814 amboseli kenya thesanetravel.com 1500220

2) Lions climb trees there

Do lions often climb trees? The answer is they don't do it very often - in less than five percent of observations. So I have been quite lucky to observe that phenomenon twice a day in Amboseli National Park. It’s estimated that there are more than 100 lions in the park and the surrounding area. Also, meeting a lion on the road in Amboseli at sunset and following it was a real thrill to me.20 amboseli kenya thesanetravel.com 150017521 amboseli kenya thesanetravel.com 150055322 amboseli kenya thesanetravel.com 150057123 amboseli kenya thesanetravel.com 1500653

3) It’s home to wildebeests, buffalos, zebras, giraffes, and more

The park is home to more than 50 other mammal species, including herds of

zebra ↓32amboseli kenya thesanetravel.com 150010533amboseli kenya thesanetravel.com 1500113

wildebeests ↓

34 amboseli kenya thesanetravel.com 149091035 amboseli kenya thesanetravel.com 149099436 amboseli kenya thesanetravel.com 1500009buffalos ↓30 amboseli kenya thesanetravel.com 150008531amboseli kenya thesanetravel.com 1500086

giraffes ↓31 amboseli kenya thesanetravel.com 1490830

gerenuks ↓30 gerenuk amboseli kenya thesanetravel.com 1490826Grant’s gazelles ↓38 grants gazelle amboseli kenya thesanetravel.com 1490905

and Thomson’s gazelles ↓.39 thomsons gazelle amboseli kenya thesanetravel.com 1490847

4) Over 400 species of birds have been recorded there

Over 400 species of birds have been recorded there, amongst them

ostriches ↓40 amboseli kenya thesanetravel.com 1490850

flamingos ↓50amboseli kenya thesanetravel.com 1500471

yellow-billed storks ↓42 yellow billed storks amboseli kenya thesanetravel.com 1500323

colourful grey-crowned cranes ↓45 grey crowned cranes amboseli kenya thesanetravel.com 1500368

spur-winged lapwings ↓46 spur winged lapwing amboseli kenya thesanetravel.com 1500405

African sacred ibises and pelicans ↓41 african sacred ibis amboseli kenya thesanetravel.com 1490959

So it has everything to make birdwatchers happy about seeing numerous birds. Among others, I really enjoyed watching a pied kingfisher hunt for a fish. Not only is the pied kingfisher the largest bird capable of a true hover in the still air, it is also the only kingfisher with completely black and white plumage.47 pied kingfisher amboseli kenya thesanetravel.com 150042448 pied kingfisher amboseli kenya thesanetravel.com 150043349 pied kingfisher amboseli kenya thesanetravel.com 1500438

5) Best views of mighty Kilimanjaro with a little luck

The world's tallest free-standing mountain actually rises just across the border in Tanzania but Amboseli has a postcard-perfect view of its snow-capped peaks, rising almost six vertical kilometres above the savannah. While animal action is guaranteed, the sight of Kilimanjaro is not – except for occasional glimpses at sunrise and sunset, the mighty mountain is usually hidden in thick clouds. So the best time to view the mighty mountain is at dawn and sunset when the clouds lift and the light is clear and soft. 52amboseli kenya thesanetravel.com 1500521

6) Opportunity to stay at Serena safari lodge and enjoy their excellent game drives

The park is easily navigable and there’s a great choice of accommodation from Kenya Wildlife Service campsites to 5-star safari lodges. My choice was “The Great elephant trails“ safari by Serena with a stay in their Amboseli Serena Safari Lodge. 60 amboseli kenya thesanetravel.com 150012670serena amboseli kenya thesanetravel.com 1500053

7) Easy combining your trip with visiting Tsavo and parks in Tanzania

An Amboseli safari can be combined with several Tanzanian parks. Mount Kilimanjaro National Park and Arusha National Park lie just across the border and are the closest but the highlights of Northern Tanzania - the Serengeti, Tarangire and the Ngorongoro Crater - are easily accessible from this region. My choice was combining Amboseli with a visit to Tsavo West National Park.

Practical information

Amboseli National Park is easily accessible from both Nairobi and Mombasa over the weekend, so it might get quite busy. The warm and dry season from July to October is the best for game viewing and for personal comfort. I visited Amboseli in early June and it was quite comfortable. Access from Nairobi by road: 250 kilometres takes 4.5 to 5 hours. If you choose “The Great elephant trails “safari by Serena you have to travel to Emali train station first and then take a 2 hour road trip to Amboseli.

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Have you ever dreamed about African safari? Then Amboseli National Park in Kenya has to be on your list! It’s one of the most popular Kenya National parks with awesome views of Mount Kilimanjaro an opportunity to stay in awesome Amboseli Serena lodge. Save those great reasons to visit Amboseli National Park to your travel board so you can find it later. #travel #africansafari #amboselinationalpark #kenyanationalparks #amboseliserenalodge  #mountKilimanjaro #travelphotography #travelblog

You may also enjoy 7 things to see in Tsavo West National Park.

What did you think? Have you been to Amboseli National Park? Or perhaps you’re thinking of visiting there in the near future? Either way, I’d love to hear from you so please add your comments below.

  • Published by Anita on June 30, 2018
  • Author: Anita Sane

    Anita 03 18

    About the author
    Anita is a part-time traveller, passionate photographer and a retired career woman from Latvia, 
    travelling mostly solo for more than 15 years. She is a skilled travel planner who plans and executes her travels by herself. Anita wants to show you how to travel the world and open your mind to new experiences. Follow her on FacebookInstagramPinterestTwitter and Bloglovin.


    This is a great destination to visit.

    Amazing Article 👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾 definitely going to Kenya at the end of this year.
    very nice article thanks for sharing it with us.
    I gues one of the most impressive places in Kenya has to be amobseli National park. its view of mount Kili is an imaginery one. the wildlife and the terrains are simply bewildering.
    Amboseli is the epitome of beaty when it ocmes wilderness , the lands scape alone that features impressive views of mount kilimanjaro leaves one in owe, another wow factor the presence of the large herds of african elephants alongisdie other wildlife species makes it a place to visit while on kenya safaris
    Amazing article
    I was born around this place. Thanks for appreciating our ecosystem.

    william cagliostro
    I am a minimalist nomadic person.I seek beautiful places I can live in nature off the land with out the need for money or for very small amounts of money.I want to come to Amboseli to do large format photography of endangered wildlife to help bring an awareness of this problem.Is it possible I can camp on my own and find vegetation to eat?I am a raw food vegan.Also is it possible I can lease photography equipment there or in city's near by?Is volunteer work available?Kind regards,William
    Kenya is an amazing place on earth. I dream of a trip there. I hope that in a few years I will be able to do it. So far, I admire your great photos!
    Nice post! it's very helpful.
    Kubwa Five Safaris's primary objective is to give a tourist or tour groups the adventure of a lifetime by sharing the natural wonders East Africa has to offer.We provide a safe environment while at the same time exposing you to interactions with wide varieties of our land animals in their natural habitats within a safe distance or close proximity with strict regards to your safety.Please check out our website at www.kubwafive-safaris.com, for additional information.Thank you for your time and we look forward to welcoming you to any of East African countries for the experience of a lifetime.We're looking for tour agents who can market our East African tours/itineraries on their website or social media. Would you consider partnering with us?We will give you 12% off the traveler's trip and $120 in travel credit for your next adventure.
    It's a very wonderful review of Amboseli national park. Animal and nature lovers will go crazy to read your post and see pictures. Here you took some stunning pictures of many species of animals. It so wonderful to know 400 species of bird in here. Thanks for your post.
    This looks amazing!! I would love to see all those animals up close!
    Anita this was unreal! I was really taken by the elephants and the Zebras. Your photography style is of the quality I expect to see in National Geographic. Truly breathtaking. I am so glad that you had a great time and were far away from those lions in trees.
    Wow your photos are amazing! I totally feel like I'm there and I can't believe there are so many elephants. I haven't heard of this safari park before and now I'd would totally wanna go there.
    I do love your pictures. I went to Kenya this year. Unfortunately, I didn´t have time to visit Amboseli. Only went to Maasai Mara and Nairobi National Park. Your pictures just showed me that I missed a lot. Thank you so much for sharing.
    This looks so incredibly fun! I'd love to see all of these animals in person. What a memorable experience!
    Lions in the trees?! This place looks amazing
    Nice post and great photos. Brought back memories of my safari in Tanzania and Kenya. I didn't make it to Amboseli. We also got a picture of a lion in a tree.
    Wow you got some stunning shots! I’d never really thought safari would be for me, but I love elephants and would love to see some in the wild. Such a fab informative post.

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